The First Computer: Turing completeness and the astounding ENIAC

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    The quest for the “first-ever computer” leads us on a fascinating journey through the archives of history, where ingenious minds conceived and crafted machines that laid the foundation for the digital age. The definition of a computer has evolved over time, with various devices contributing to the rich history of computing history.

    Defining a Computer:

    At its essence, a computer is a device that performs computations or processes information. Historically, devices like the abacus and the Antikythera Mechanism demonstrated early computational capabilities. However, the title of the “first computer” is often attributed to machines that possess specific characteristics, including programmability, the ability to perform different tasks based on instructions, and the capacity to store and manipulate data.

    Early computational capabilities

    Historically, devices like the abacus and the Antikythera Mechanism demonstrated early computational capabilities.


    The abacus, originating over 2,000 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia, served as a fundamental counting tool for merchants and traders. Its use spread across civilizations, becoming a symbol of early arithmetic. The rhythmic clatter of its beads echoed in marketplaces, shaping the way commerce and trade were conducted in diverse cultures.

    Antikythera Mechanism

    The Antikythera Mechanism, discovered in a shipwreck off the coast of Greece, represents an ancient marvel dating back to the second century BCE. Likely used by astronomers, this intricate device was a testament to the advanced knowledge of celestial mechanics in the Hellenistic period. Its gears and dials enabled the prediction of astronomical events, showcasing a level of sophistication that surpassed its time.

    Turing Completeness:

    Turing completeness is a concept introduced by Alan Turing in the 1930s. In simple terms, a system is deemed Turing complete if it can simulate any other Turing machine, a theoretical device representing a universal computer. This criterion is vital because it establishes a baseline for a machine’s computational power. If a system is Turing complete, it can perform any computation that any other computer can, setting the standard for what qualifies as a computer.

    • In the early 20th century, the German mathematician David Hilbert posed a fundamental question known as the Entscheidungsproblem (Decision Problem). It asked whether there exists an algorithm to determine the truth or falsity of any mathematical statement.
    • Kurt Gödel‘s incompleteness theorems (published in the 1930s) demonstrated that certain statements within a formal mathematical system cannot be proven or disproven using the rules of that system. This highlighted the limitations of formal systems in proving all mathematical truths.

    Turing’s Contribution
    • Alan Turing began investigating questions related to Hilbert’s Entscheidungsproblem and Gödel’s work. He aimed to understand the nature and limits of computation using a mathematical approach.
    • Turing introduced the concept of a theoretical computing device, now known as the Turing Machine, in a seminal paper titled “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” published in 1936. The Turing Machine was a thought experiment with a simple yet powerful design.
    • Turing went further to propose the Universal Turing Machine, a machine that could simulate the operations of any other Turing Machine. This laid the foundation for the idea of universality in computation.
    • The concept of Turing completeness emerged as a criterion to determine whether a system could simulate a Universal Turing Machine. If a system was Turing complete, it could, in theory, perform any computation that any other Turing complete system could.

    Alan Turing

    ENIAC and the Dawn of Electronic Computing:

    The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), operational in 1946, is hailed as the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. What set ENIAC apart was its electronic nature and programmability. Unlike earlier electromechanical devices, ENIAC utilized vacuum tubes for calculations at unprecedented speeds. It marked a revolutionary leap forward, being capable of handling diverse tasks with remarkable efficiency. However, ENIAC’s programming involved manual rewiring, a process far removed from today’s user-friendly interfaces. Despite this limitation, its impact on scientific and military applications was groundbreaking.

    ENIAC’s significance lies in its alignment with the principles of Turing completeness. The theoretical groundwork laid by Alan Turing, exemplified by the Turing Machine, found practical realization in ENIAC. The Universal Turing Machine concept, proposed by Turing, became a benchmark for evaluating the computational power of systems, and ENIAC stood as a testament to this universality.

    The Turing Machine:

    While ENIAC represents a monumental leap in computing history, it’s important to acknowledge the theoretical foundation laid by Alan Turing. The Turing Machine, though never physically built, demonstrated the universal computational capabilities that form the basis of modern computers. Turing completeness became a benchmark for evaluating the computational power of systems.

    Meeting the Turing Completeness Criteria:

    Several early machines met the criteria of Turing completeness. The Z3, built by Konrad Zuse in the early 1940s, was an electromechanical computer that demonstrated Turing completeness. Additionally, the EDVAC, UNIVAC, and Manchester Baby, among others, contributed to the evolving landscape of computing, showcasing programmability and stored-program capabilities.


    As we explore the lineage of computers, it becomes clear that the definition of the “first-ever computer” is nuanced. While machines like the Antikythera Mechanism demonstrated early computational prowess, the advent of electronic computing marked a revolutionary leap forward. ENIAC, guided by the principles of Turing completeness, stands as a milestone in the evolution of computers, setting the stage for the digital age we inhabit today.

    In essence, the journey from ancient analog devices to Turing-complete electronic computers represents a continuum of human ingenuity, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of computation. As we reflect on the past, we gain a profound appreciation for the interconnected threads of innovation that have woven the intricate fabric of computing history.

    Computer History Quiz

    Test your knowledge: Computer History Quiz

    Question 1: Who is considered the “father of computer science” and built the first programmable mechanical computer?
    Alan Turing
    Charles Babbage
    John von Neumann
    Ada Lovelace

    Question 2: Which computer is considered the first programmable computer?
    ABC Computer

    Question 3: What is Turing completeness?
    A measure of a computer’s speed
    The ability to compute anything that is computable
    A software development methodology
    A programming language

    Question 4: When was the ENIAC computer completed?

    Question 5: What does ENIAC stand for?
    Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
    Electronic Network for Integrated Arithmetic and Computation
    Early Numerical Integrator and Automatic Computer
    Enhanced Numerical Instruction and Analysis Computer

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